Ed Hunter

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Windows Game
Download: Abandonware.
License: Commercial
Game info
Released: 1999
Players: 1 Player
Type: Rail shooter
Edhunter cover.jpg
Edhunter gameplay.jpg
Note: Requires patch

Ed Hunter is a greatest hits album and video game released in 1999 by British heavy metal band Iron Maiden and Synthetic Dimensions, respectively. The game objective consists of following Iron Maiden's mascot, Eddie, through various levels depicting the band's past album covers. The accompanying CDs have the group's most popular songs, as selected by fans on the band's official website.

Setup Guide

Download the game ISO or rip your original game disk. A required Patch and an optional unlocker/trainer are also available for the game.

Download Daemon tools lite HERE How to use Daemon tools to mount your game ISO.

Install the Game as normal and then eject the ISO from Daemon Tools.

To apply the patch open the zip file and extract the .exe to the folder where you have installed the game, overwriting the existing file.

If you are running Windows 7 or newer, set the game compatibility settings: Right click the .exe file, Select Properties, and then Compatibility from the tab at the top.

Check the "Run this program in compatibility mode for" box and then select "Windows XP Service pack 2" in the dropdown menu.

Now we are ready to play!

Load the Play disc ISO using Daemon tools and launch the Executable.

Play 'Ed Hunter' without mounting a CD image...

  1. Open the original .iso file with WinRAR, 7-Zip, or your preferred archive tool. There are two .iso files in it:- 'Ed Hunter Install Disc.iso' and 'Ed Hunter Play Disc.iso'
  2. Open 'Ed Hunter Install Disc.iso', and copy all files to a subfolder within your desired 'Ed Hunter' folder. E.g. I called my folder ''Disc'' (E:\Games\Sinden Games\Ed Hunter\Disc)
  3. Go to your 'Disc' folder and run SETUP.EXE (I installed to E:\Games\Sinden Games\Ed Hunter)
  4. Back in 7-Zip, open the 'Ed Hunter Play Disc.iso', copy 'edhunter.jfs' into your ''Disc'' folder
  5. Optional... Patch the game
  6. Set 'EDHUNTER.EXE' to Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatibility
  7. Run EDHUNTER.EXE = game on!

Sample AHK Script

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#SingleInstance Force

Run, "D:\Ed Hunter\EDHUNTER.EXE"

    Run,taskkill /im "EDHUNTER.EXE" /F
    sleep, 500